CV and Publications


*Note: My former name was Emily Whittaker.

Peer-Reviewed Publications

E. A. Whittaker, J. L. Margot, A. L. H. Lam, N. Myhrvold, "Thermal Models of Asteroids with Two-band Combinations of Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer Cryogenic Data," 2023, PSJ, 4, 64.

A. L. H. Lam, J. L. Margot, E. Whittaker, N. Myhrvold, "Determination of 1929 Asteroid Rotation Periods from WISE Data," 2023, PSJ, 4, 61.

E. A. Whittaker, M. Malik, J. Ih, E. M.-R. Kempton, M. Mansfield, J. L. Bean, E. S. Kite, D. D. B. Koll, T. W. Cronin, R. Hu, "The Detectability of Rocky Planet Surface and Atmosphere Composition with JWST: The Case of LHS 3844b," 2022, PSJ, 164, 258.

J. Ih, E. M.-R. Kempton, E. A. Whittaker, M. Lessard, "Constraining the Thickness of TRAPPIST-1 b's Atmosphere from Its JWST Secondary Eclipse Observation at 15 μm," 2023, ApJL, 952, L4.


Emerson Whittaker CV



New Scientist